Engineering the most advanced human model systems to explore physiology, understand disease, and develop new therapies

The Institute of Human Biology (IHB) is dedicated to research in organoids, human model systems and translational bioengineering. The institute bridges the gap between academic and pharmaceutical research, bringing together three cores: Exploratory research, Bioengineering, and Translation, supported by cutting-edge technology platforms.

Our three cores

Exploratory Research

  • Basic research with academic freedom


  • Applied/translational research
  • Proof of Concept demonstration for drug development applications

Translation & Technologies

  • Ready-to-use assays addressing safety, pharmacology and efficacy
  • Technology platforms, including biobankig, organoid farming, microscopy, spatial biology, and data and analytics


Our publications

IHB scientists are active members of the scientific community and publish in numerous peer-reviewed journals.

Our partners

We collaborate with leading academic and research institutions to complement our expertise, expand our capabilities, and tackle grand challenges in the field of human model systems.